
Read, Eat, Write

Taking notes and listening to Bill May's self-titled album (1970). The orchestration sounds a bit like Scott Walker's, though it's not nearly as strange. Still, there's drama drama drama.

Watched Oldboy. Not sure what I think about it. Read Manohla Dargis's review, which is particularly scathing, and while I'm not sure that OB is a totem par examplar of cultural emptiness and pulp style, I'm not sure that I enjoyed it all that much. Tough film to like, like most Tartan releases.

Got the galleys for a forthcoming story in Witness, which is exciting. Can't wait until December.

Read two fantastic articles:

1. Padgett Powell in New York Times Magazine

2. Brock Clarke on the recent John Cheever biography and why it doesn't matter in the slightest.

Winter boots are here (picture soon?). Have sno sealed them. Now just waiting for winter.

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