Is singing in the morning, having just woke. Everybody wakes. That is, of those who are sleeping. And so she is awake and singing. This story will have a setting. It will take place in more than just a bedroom. Some possible settings for the story of the mistress: cafe, rectory, waterfall, sidewalk. The song is quite a basic example, the melody simple, re: the song she will sing before (during) the trembling episode to which the title alludes. We will have to decide, at some point, if the song is a real or fictive song. Some questions: why is the mistress at choir practice? for whom is she a mistress? if we call her simply "Mistress" does that imply a judgment of some kind? Why the (figurative?) trembling? Should the title be remade? Must this trembling be a part of the story. Why not "The Mistress"? "The Girl," or "Lady"?
forthcoming: In Which the Story Formerly Known As "The Mistress Trembles" is Renamed and Instead called "The Lady".